Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Canadian-U.S. relations

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
"Uh, where'd you say I was again?"

An old friend from Texas just recently visited me for a weekend that involved copious amounts of booze (thank you, duty-free!), Brit-pop, dancing and debauchery. A great time was had by all. We did the requisite tourist bullshit, but mostly drank and recovered from drinking, a preview of my weekend to come when the Junos, the Canadian version of the Grammy’s, hit town.

10 Things I Learned From My Friend Who Lives In New Jersey:
1. Americans think Canadians are surprisingly friendly
2. Canadians like to give Americans shit for their crappy government, but in a friendly way
3. Characters featured in the Sopranos do exist
4. The city officials and said characters hang out in the same dining/drinking establishments
5. Supposedly there are a lot of crazy people in New York City, especially guys that play in Fountains of Wayne
6. Canadians are generally more positive than Americans
7. Canadian beer is still better than American beer
8. American boys like Canadian girls
9. Nova Scotia has good oysters (I’ll take your word for it)
10. Drinking vodka and Jagermeister until 7 a.m. is not good for your physical health